Spoon holders (also called tronc de comptoirs in France) were usually found on the counters of bistros and bars, used to hold spoons while waiting for "the ritual". The absinthe ritual begins by pouring a quantity of absinthe into an absinthe glass, then placing an absinthe spoon on top of the glass and a sugar cube on top of the spoon. Ice water is slowly poured over the sugar cube from a fountain, carafe or rocker. The cold sugar water then flows from the spoon into the absinthe glass, releasing oils and perfuming the air with fennel, grand wormwood and anise. The combination also begins to take on a milky white color, as the water mixes with the anise. As well as being practical, it's a great way to show off your spoons.
- Measures 20.3 cm high.
- Measures 12 cm in diameter.
- Chrome on brass.