*** We cannot ship UPS Ground or UPS Express packages to a postal address. ***
On delivery, please take care to unpack and inspect your shipment. Small items are often overlooked, so please check the packaging material carefully. Bubble wrap is only used to wrap goods. It is never used as a filler.
*** All claims must be made within 10 days of receipt of goods. ***
Latest shipping time
Our daily shipping cut-off time is 12:00 CET. If you need to place an order with expedited shipping, the cut-off time is 14:00 CET. If you have any questions or need assurance that the item(s) will be shipped, please call us at: +33 (0) 6 30 94 80 30.
All our items are shipped 100% insured, free of charge.
Sales tax
Value Added Taxe 20% will be added to all sales in Europe, in accordance with the law.